CAI BayCen Chapter presents South Bay Education Luncheon “Avoid the Aftershock: Rethinking Your Stance on Earthquake Insurance”
Please join with Community Associations Institute Bay Area and Central California Chapter at their their South Bay Educational Forum on Friday, January 31st at the Santa Clara Marriott.
“Avoid the Aftershock: Rethinking Your Stance on Earthquake Insurance”
is being presented by Andrea O’Toole of Berding & Weil and Dan Wallis of Motus Insurance Services.
In the earthquake-prone Bay Area, most community associations decide against purchasing earthquake insurance. But are these associations considering more than just cost when deciding against the coverage?
This program will discuss: different types of earthquake insurance coverage options available to associations; what happens when a loss occurs where insurance exists, where it does not, and where coverage is insufficient; steps associations should take before making the call on coverage; and, ways to minimize liability when it comes to earthquake insurance decisions.
For more information, call Motus today at (833) MOTUS-IN / (833) 668-8746, or visit us at www.motusins.com.